Blog-Easily Manage Custom UserRoles and Permissionswithin Reggora

This article was originally published in Today’s Lending Insight by the Progress in Lending Association.


The list of things lenders must stay on top of throughout the loan process is a long one, with the appraisal often being one of the most lengthy and high-touch of steps.

In order for a borrower to close his or her loan, an appraisal must be completed, containing a number of touch points along the way, including Loan Officers, Appraisal Desk members, Processors, Underwriters, and more. Each of these roles have specific, highly regulated roles and responsibilities regarding this process, and ensuring each role has the proper information at the proper time can be a task all on its own. 


Reggora removes the guesswork and concern out of your team’s workflow by providing custom user roles with granular permissions and highly customizable settings down to the branch level. With Reggora, you can be confident that each stakeholder across all of your branches has the information they need (and only what they need) on time, every time, all on one platform. This ensures your appraisal operations to not only stay compliant, but also operate efficiently. 

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Closing the Lending Gap with AI and ML

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the financial industry was already evolving at a rapid pace, mainly driven by evolving customer expectations, advancement in technology, and

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