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May 7-8, 2025
Waterfront Beach Resort, Huntington Beach, CA

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Innovator Insights Panels

Full agenda will be released soon.


How AI Tools Shape
Lasting Customer Relationships

This panel of technology experts and technology executives from leading lenders will share their secrets of utilizing cutting-edge technology to transform how mortgage lenders empower loan officers, creating lasting relationships from every deal.


How to Reduce Costs
and Increase Accessibility

Minimizing costs to originate a loan from the first hello to closing, has become a critical focal point for lenders aiming to enhance efficiency and competitiveness. This session will explore a range of topics, from leveraging cutting-edge technology and streamlining processes to adopting new regulatory practices that can drive down expenses.

Challenges to Solutions

AI's Impact on Mortgage
Compliance and Regulations

As the mortgage industry adapts to new regulations, AI can assist in navigating compliance requirements. The ability to quickly analyze vast amounts of data helps lenders identify potential risks and ensure adherence to regulatory standards. This panel will cover what technology providers are spearheading this and how to integrate within your business.

White Glove Customer Experience

Learn how AI is being leveraged to achieve total “white glove” customer experience throughout the mortgage application process and beyond. This panel will discuss AI-powered digital platforms that provide personalized experiences for borrowers. This includes chatbots for immediate customer support and predictive analytics to offer tailored mortgage solutions based on individual consumer profiles, and much more.

Your Hosts

kevin and ike HERO

2024 Recap

Thank You Sponsors

Partners with California MBA and Mortgage Innovators

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